Image is of a before and after snapshot of a metal storage roof restored by the White Hat Industrial team.

FAQ: Working with White Hat Industrial

Commercial roof restoration has become the fastest growing segment in the roofing industry for many reasons. Have you considered restoration for your next project? In this article, our team of specialists at White Hat Industrial shares some of these insights and what it’s like to work with us. Our hope is this information helps you gain a better understanding of …

The image is of a commercial roof in the process of being restored.

Functional, Sustainable, and Economical Solutions

At White Hat Industrial, our focus has been on roof restoration since the beginning. This focus has allowed us to be specialists in the commercial roofing industry and provide functional, sustainable, and economical solutions to our customers.

The image is of a completed restoration system.

We Restore: What makes White Hat Industrial special

Restoration is more than just an offering message to us at White Hat Industrial. Our team consistently lives this out in every aspect of our business. Whether it’s with our client’s roofs, each other’s lives, or the communities we serve, we’re always looking for new ways to restore.

The image is of a winding road.

The White Hat Way: What it really means

White Hat Industrial developed from a dream sketched out at a kitchen table nearly 8 years ago using a cup, a saucer, and a plate. The vision was to create a company focused on more than just profits. Today, the vision continues to restore.

The image is of a street sign saying, "Core Values."

Why We Do What We Do: White Hat Industrial’s core values

Our core values are an integral part of how our White Hat Industrial team operates. No matter how big or small a roofing project is, they are the guiding principles we use to provide our customers with the expertise, professionalism, and high-quality results they need in a commercial roofing partner.

The image is of White Hat Industrial team members at a conference.

White Hat Industrial: What We Do

Fluid-applied roofing systems have emerged as the fastest-growing segment in the commercial roofing industry. Modern technologies, paired with predictable and consistent delivery, unlock new options. New options allowing building owners and management companies to keep their assets performing while lowering operating costs. This knowledge, along with a deeper drive around restoration in three key areas, led our founder Joel Bell …