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A True Partnership, Not Just Another Vendor

Published by Eileen Porzuczek on August 19, 2024

Jenn S., an Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager with a social service non-profit company, partnered with our team at White Hat Industrial to restore their properties. When asked how she would describe the before and the after state in one word, Jenn said:



The existing substrate was extensively patched prior to restoration and had seams coming up, which made things very difficult.



The newly restored surface isn’t something she has to worry about because even with torrential rains, there were no leaks. This was outstanding, considering leaks were previously an issue.

Vetting For the Best Partnership

As a non-profit, Jenn and her team wanted to prioritize allocating funds in a financially responsible way. This was important to them because they also use their funding to help the consumers whom they serve, and they didn’t want to overspend on a project. So, Jenn began by researching 15 different companies and speaking to them all to discern who could provide the best value for the cost.

“I noticed early on how knowledgeable, professional, and responsive the White Hat Industrial team was. As someone who had never done restoration before, I had a lot of questions about how everything worked and performed. But with every question I asked, they were able to help educate me on this method and point me towards references who have used their solutions. This gave me the confidence I needed to try something more innovative than the traditional norm.”

Jenn S. | Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager

She continued on to share how everything they could potentially need was included in the scope, preventing any costly surprises. Furthermore, this made her to look like a rockstar when not everything included in the scope was necessary. This meant they could save even more money than they originally thought.

Experience with White Hat Industrial

At White Hat Industrial, we know that no project is the same. That’s why we work with our customers to meet their unique needs and to provide seamless service with minimal disruptions.

“It can be very overwhelming managing larger-scale projects, but the White Hat Industrial team made everything so easy. One property has 3 HVAC roof top units and there was limited parking space near the building that we needed to work around. This was something we planned for early on. It was really nice to feel like we had a partner who was willing to take the time to come alongside us and find the best ways to address these challenges. Their team was also very accommodating with our timeline and made everything go smoothly. This is an experience we’ve never had with any other large-scale vendor.”

Jenn S. | Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager

Our team provides communication, consistency, and predictability from start to completion. We prioritize this with every project we work on and always seek to provide the best results for our customers.

“From beginning to end, everything was easy and not stressful like other larger-scale projects I’ve managed in the past. The White Hat Industrial team really tailored the solution, installation, logistics, and overall process to fit our exact needs. They were super communicative and kept us in the loop with details at each project stage. 

I also loved their warranty process and the fact that it is backed by the manufacturer. This allows another set of eyes to come inspect the final solution and give you even more peace of mind that it has been done the right way.

The whole experience was truly a partnership, which isn’t something I have felt before with other vendors. My team and I truly feel like we have an expert we can rely on moving forward—a partner we can really trust. Without a doubt, this is one of the best vendor decisions I have made throughout my entire career, and I have worked in a lot of different industries.”

Jenn S. | Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager

When asked if she would recommend working with White Hat Industrial to anyone considering a new and innovative approach, Jenn said,

“I absolutely would recommend White Hat Industrial for anyone interested in restoring the roof at their property. Throughout the entire project, they provided us with the information we needed and made everything so easy. When I say working with them is a partnership, I truly mean it. I know the White Hat Industrial team will always be there to help us.

As a non-profit, we also try to give back to our employees by planning raffles with items donated from our vendors. Even after the completion of our project, the White Hat Industrial team has agreed to participate in this because they don’t see us as a check. They see the relationship as a valued partnership and there is something really special about that.

I cannot say enough that White Hat Industrial is a great company, with great people, and great warranties that give you the peace of mind you need. We look forward to continuing to partner with White Hat Industrial because they’re so knowledgeable and experienced in what they do.”

Jenn S. | Executive Assistant and Facilities Manager

Want to connect with White Hat Industrial?

Our team at White Hat Industrial is always happy to help you with your property needs. We’re always looking to build strong partnerships with the customers we serve. We are and have been a specialist since Day 1 and that’s why we are The Spec.

Simply call us at 937.909.9030 or contact us via email. You can also follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook to learn more about us and the work we do.

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